Updated: 16/09/2024

Chapter 14 - Transport Policy


The transport policy of the European Union aims to enhance the operation of the internal market via providing safe, secure, efficient and environmentally friendly transport services.

EU transport policies aim at fostering clean, safe and efficient travel throughout Europe, underpinning the internal market of goods and the right of citizens to travel freely throughout the EU. Within this context, transport policy priorities are defined as follows: setting up balanced structures of transport among different modes, improving intermodality and interconnections and overcoming bottlenecks. 

Since users constitute the focal point of the transport policy and there is a need for the sustainability of the transport services; common, uniform and mandatory implementations have been put into force through the adoption of new legislation in the area of road safety, passenger rights, social aspects and working conditions of the sector, decreasing negative environmental effects. 

According to the Treaty of Rome, transport is one of the areas for which common policies have to be adopted (Article 3, paragraph (e) of the Treaty). Transport Policy is in the center of the idea of a fully liberalized internal market and of the idea of the freedom of travel.

Although there are provisions for the Common Transport Policy in the Treaty of Rome, it took about 30 years to shape European Transport Policies after the Treaty. The Policy’s political, institutional and budgetary fundamentals were strengthened with the Treaty of the EU (Treaty of Maastricht, 1993) and the Treaty presented the concept of ‘Trans-European Networks”, and all these made Europe-wide transport infrastructure planning possible.

Articles 90-100 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Treaty of Lisbon, 2009) contain the provisions about transport, and via these provisions Member States accept the legislative prerogative of the Union.

1992 White Paper of the Commission mainly deals with the issues about liberalization of transport market and within ten years, the market has almost fully been opened to competition. The only sector in which full liberalization could not be realized in this period is railway sector.

With the development of the Common Transport Policy, consumer prices decreased while the quality of service and the number of options increased. On the other hand, the policy did not develop in a fully harmonized and regular manner and problems like congestion on main roads, airports and main rail corridors, damages on human health and environment, accidents etc. could not have been eliminated.

The second White Paper was published by the Commission in 2001 and a ten-year perspective for Common Transport Policy was created. Within the White Paper, proposals for setting up balanced structures of transport among different modes, improving intermodality and interconnections and overcoming bottlenecks were developed, resource constraints were addressed. After the White Paper, compulsory and harmonized legislation was adopted for aviation safety, safety agencies were established for railway, aviation and maritime transport, passenger rights and social aspect of transport policy developed. Besides, after 11 September 2001 attacks security policies for different types of transport modes and critical infrastructure were created.

The last White Paper published in 2011 presents the proposals for a sustainable development of transport systems of the EU until year 2050. It is predicted that the greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced 60 % in 2050 compared to 1990, and rate of oil-based transport and the congestion will be decreased.

The Urban Mobility Plan was adopted in 2013. The package affirms that urban mobility is primarily the responsibility of local level actors. Local actors will be encouraged to develop transport plans to support the implementation of integrated strategies. In this context, a concept for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) has been proposed; accessibility, urban smart transportation systems and urban security.

The European Green Deal, which is a new growth strategy to transform the EU economy into a sustainable economic model, contains extremely important steps on climate change. On 9 December 2020, the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy was adopted by the European Commission as part of the European Green Deal . The Smart and Mobility Strategy is part of the European Green Deal and aims to reduce transport emissions by 90% until 2050.

The Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy includes an action plan interlinking 3 objectives, 10 flagships, 14 milestones and 82 initiatives.

3 main objectives of the Strategy;

  • An irreversible shift to zero-emission mobility.
  • Achieving seamless, safe and efficient connectivity.
  • A more resilient single European transport area for inclusive connectivity.

10 flagships of the Strategy;

  • Boosting the uptake of zero-emission vehicles, vessels and aeroplanes, renewable and low-carbon fuels and related infrastructure - for instance by installing 3 million public charging points by 2030.
  • Creating zero-emission airports and ports
  • Making interurban and urban mobility healthy and sustainable
  • Greening freight transport
  • Pricing carbon and providing better incentives for users
  • Making connected and automated multimodal mobility a reality
  • Boosting innovation and the use of data and artificial intelligence (AI),
  • Reinforce the Single Market
  • Make mobility fair and just for all
  • Step up transport safety and security across all modes – including by bringing the death toll  close to zero by 2050.

One of the action plans, prepared by the European Commission within the scope of the European Green Deal is the Fit-for-55 package. Its main targets in the field of transport are to gradually reduce vehicle-related emissions and ensure the transition to zero-emission mobility. In this context, it is planned to use low-emission resources in transport, to accelerate the transition to electric and hydrogen fueled vehicles, and to expand emissions trading system (ETS).

As part of the revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), which is the EU's primary tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Regulation (EU) No 2023/957 established monitoring, reporting, and verification rules for including emissions from the maritime sector in the EU ETS. Furthermore, Directive (EU) 2023/958 mandates the phasing out of free emission allowances for the aviation sector, which is already covered by the ETS.

The Fit-for-55 package implemented more stringent CO2 emission standards for new cars and vans to encourage the use of cleaner vehicles and fuels. Additionally, it introduced the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) to enhance the infrastructure for charging and refueling environmentally friendly vehicles throughout the EU. The ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2023/2405 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023 on ensuring a level playing field for sustainable air transport) and the FuelEU Maritime Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2015/757 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 on the monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport, and amending Directive 2009/16/EC), which promote sustainable aviation and maritime fuels respectively, are also crucial components of the Package.

With the adoption of the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation and the FuelEU Maritime Regulation, the legislative process under the Fit-for-55 package has been completed. The EU now has legally binding climate targets covering all key sectors of the economy.


The Transport Policy chapter includes the following topics:

- Road Transport
- Rail Transport
- Maritime Transport
- Air Transport

The main areas regulated by the EU Transport Policy Chapter are as the following; 

The main principles of road transport policy are creating a sustainable, efficient, secure and safe road transport system via decreasing its negative environmental effects. In framework of these principles, the EU aims to promote efficient transport of passengers and goods via road, enabling fair competition, harmonizing safer and more environmentally friendly technical standards, providing a minimum level for financial and social harmonization, and non-discriminatory implementation of road transport rules of the Union. EU acquis in this field mainly deal with the issues such as; access to the market and pursuit of the occupation (Regulations (EC) 1071/2009, (EC) 1072/2008 and (EC) 1073/2009), working hours, driving and resting periods and usage of digital and smart tachograph (Regulation  (EC) 165/2014), minimum annual taxation and road usage charging of vehicles (Directives 1999/62/EC and 2011/76/EC), driver licenses (Directive 2006/126/EC), maximum weight and dimensions (Directives 96/53/EC and 2015/719/EU), transport of dangerous goods by road (Directive  2008/68/EC), minimum safety requirements in road tunnels (Directive  2004/54/EC).

On June 9, 2022, the European Parliament supported the the Commission’s proposal for phasing out of internal combustion engines in new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles from 2035 as part of the “Fit for 55”.

EU rail transport legislation regulates the areas of market liberalization, interoperability and institutional framework, rail safety, and access to infrastructure, internal market, freight transport, passenger rights, employment and working conditions of the sector. The main reference legislation regarding the market liberalization is Directive 2012/34/EU establishing a single European railway area. Due to the fact that rail transport was state monopoly during the 90’s, market liberalization in the rail transport sector followed a gradual opening started with the opening of freight market and followed by passenger transport since the beginning of 2000’s. With the 4th Railway Package adopted in 2016, full liberalisation of the rail market was envisaged. The Package is composed of a technical pillar (European Railway Agency, Interoperability and Rail Safety) and a market pillar (directive for the opening of the national rail passenger services). With the full enforcement of these regulations, it is envisaged to reach the target of the Single European Railway Area.  Interoperability which aims at unhampered rail transport services among the Member States is regulated byDirective (EU) 2016/797 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on the interoperability of the rail system within the European Union. The European Green Deal sets out a number of actions to make maritime sector more sustainable by including it into the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS).

Due to global dimension of maritime transport, this mode is mostly regulated by participation to or transposition of international conventions adopted by International Labor Organization (ILO) in the area of working conditions or International Maritime Organization (IMO) in the other areas of maritime transport. Within the framework of EU maritime legislation the issues of market access conditions and fair competition, state aid in maritime sector, maritime safety and security, working conditions and protection of marine environment are regulated. Since 2000’s, especially after the ERIKA and PRESTIGE accidents, maritime safety has turned to be the number one agenda item of the Commission. Therefore three maritime safety packages has been adopted since 2000. The last maritime safety package was adopted on 23 April 2009 and that package regulates the rules regarding port and flag state requirements, class societies, accident investigation, liability of the carrier, insurance and traffic monitoring. The most recent document on maritime transport is the “Communication on Strategic goals and recommendations for the EU’s maritime transport policy until 2018”. In this Communication the Commission presents the main strategic objectives for the European maritime transport system up to 2018. The Strategy identifies key areas like competitive, safe, secure, clean and quality shipping, where action by the EU will strengthen the competitiveness of the sector while enhancing its environmental performance.  From 1 January 2020, the maximum sulphur content of marine fuels is reduced to 0.5% (down from 3.5%) globally – reducing air pollution and protecting health and the environment. Furthermore the European Green Deal, presented by the President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen in December 2019, sets out further action to make shipping more sustainable such as the extension of the European emissions trading to the maritime sector. The Regulation (EU) 2015/757 of the European Parliament and of the Council, concerning the monitoring, reporting, and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport, set forth the essential rules for extending the EU ETS to maritime transport activities.

Finally, acquis on air transport covers the issues such as; access to the market (licencing air carriers, establishing common rules for slot allocation at community airports), air traffic management (Regulations for the creation of the Single European Sky), aviation safety (harmonization of administrative procedures and technical requirements in the field of civil aviation, aircraft maintenance, operations, conditions for employees), aviation security, environment, ground handling, protection of consumers.

Within the scope of the Fit-for-55 package, in the 2022-2027 period, the ETS system will be implemented for flights within the EU and the CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) system developed by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) will be implemented for non-EU flights.

The basic EU legislation in this context can be listed as follows: access to the market (Regulation (EC) 1008/2008), air traffic management (Regulations (EC) 549/2004(EC) 550/2004(EC) 551/2004(EC) 552/2004(EC) 730/2006(EC) 219/2007(EC) 255/2010), aviation safety (Regulations (EC) 216/2008(EC) 996/2010, Directive 2003/42/EC), aviation security (Regulation (EC) 300/2008), environment (Regulations (EC) 71/2008(EC) 1702/2003), Directive 2002/30/EC), ground handling (Directive 96/67/EC), protection of consumers (Regulations (EC) 261/2004(EC) 80/2009(EC) 1107/2006). With these legislation, the EU aviation sector became a free and harmonized market.



The explanatory meetings of this chapter were held on June 26-29, 2006 and the Country Sessions were held on September 25-28, 2006. The opening of this chapter to negotiations with Türkiye is still under discussion at the European Council and the screening report of this chapter has not been sent to Türkiye. On the other hand, this chapter is one of the eight chapters which have Ankara Agreement Protocol issue as opening benchmark. The screening report of this chapter has not been sent to Türkiye, but it was stated informally that the chapter can be opened for negotiations once the following two opening benchmarks are met, excluding the political benchmark concerning the full non-discriminatory implementation of the Additional Protocol of the Association Agreement.

I.          Türkiye has provided a clear strategy for the progressive alignment on the acquis in the railway sector. The strategy should include detailed plans for the separation of functions regarding infrastructure management and provision of services with target dates as well as institutional capacity-building measures.

II.         Türkiye has engaged in a process towards the recognition of “Community designation” and provided a clear strategy for the progressive alignment to the acquis on the Single European Sky. The strategy should address an acceptable technical solution to ensure the necessary communication in order to guarantee the appropriate level of air safety in the South Eastern Mediterranean Region.

8 subcommittees have been established by the Association Council Decision No. 3/2000 on 11 April 2000 to monitor progress with the priorities of the accession partnership and approximation of legislation. The subcommittees do not have any decision making power. The last meeting of Subcommittee No. 6 on Transport, Environment, Energy and Trans-European Networks was held online on 14-15-16 November 2023.

Türkiye – EU High Level Transport Dialogue

During his visit to Türkiye in 2012, Vice President Siim Kallas proposed to establish a High Level Türkiye-EU Transport Dialogue mechanism. In this framework, it was decided to continue High Level Türkiye-EU Transport Dialogue as working group meetings at kick-off meeting in Brussels on 9 December 2013. In order to reach some solid results on different aspects of transport sector it is decided to form three working groups: First is the working group on rail transport together with Trans-European Transport policy, the second is the working group on road transport and last one is the working group on maritime transport.

Ministry of EU Affairs hosted the first working group meeting on rail transport together with TEN-T. During the meeting Turkish and European Commission side shared their opinions and relevant information on the areas of Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) and rail transport with the common objective of enhancing the cooperation. The second working group meeting on road safety, intelligent transport systems and maritime transport was held in Brussels on 17 October 2014.

TR-EU High Level Transport Dialogue has been revitalized during the visit of Mrs. Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport, to our country on 5-6 July 2017. The Ministerial level meeting was realized on 27 November 2017 in Brussels. On 20 April 2018, Mrs. Bulc revisited Türkiye a Ministerial meeting and a field visit to Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line, constructed with EU funds, were realized. The groundbreaking ceremony of Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line was held on September 25, 2019 in Edirne.

On 15 January 2019, a high level dialogue with a comprehensive agenda was realized at Deputy Minister level, and a meeting between Bulc and Mehmet Cahit Turhan, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure at the time, was held on 5 February 2019. In these meetings, the parties agreed to increase the cooperation. On 15 July 2019, the Council of Foreign Affairs of the EU decided not to hold further meetings of the EU-Türkiye high-level dialogues and to suspend negotiations on the Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement referring to Türkiye’s drilling activities in the Eastern Mediterranean.



Programming Year

Project Title

Beneficiary Institution

State of


Improvement of Road Safety in Türkiye

General Directorate of Highways



Safer Seas: Upgrading of Turkish Coastal

Directorate General of Coastal Safety



Reform of the Turkish Railways

Ministry of Transport, Maritime
 Affairs  and Communications
 (Turkish State Railways)



Weight and Dimension Controls of Commercial

Ministry of Transport, Maritime
 Affairs  and Communications



Strengthening Intermodal Transport in Türkiye

Ministry of Transport, Maritime
 Affairs  and Communications



Improved Maritime Education & Training in Türkiye

Ministry of Transport, Maritime
 Affairs  and Communications



Control of Ship-Sourced Emissions in Türkiye

Ministry of Transport, Maritime
 Affairs  and Communications



Reform of the Turkish Railways (Phase II)

Ministry of Transport, Maritime
 Affairs  and Communications



Improvement Of Maritime Safety Regarding Handling Of Dangerous Goods At Ports And Coastal Facilities

Ministry of Transport, Maritime
 Affairs  and Communications



Capacity Building for Prevention of Marine Pollution Caused by Ship-Sourced Wastes

Ministry of Environment and Urbanization

Ministry of Transport, Maritime
 Affairs  and Communications /Coast Guard Command/ Antalya, Mersin, Kocaeli and İstanbul Metropolitan Municipalities



Strengthening Institutional and Administrative Capacity of the DGCA

General Directorate of Civil Aviation



IPA Implementation Unit Compliance Evaluation Audit Study

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Capacities of MoT IPA and End-Recipients

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Capacity Building on Safety and Security Training Requirements of the Turkish Civil Aviation

General Directorate of Civil Aviation



Assistance on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (ESEI)

Ministry of Transport, Maritime
 Affairs  and Communications



Road Safety – Vision Zero

Ministry of Interior, Turkish National Police



Republic of Türkiye of the National Transport Master Plan Project Specification (TOR) Preparation

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



National Transport Master Plan for the Republic of Türkiye

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Establishment of a “Transport Information Management System” for the TEN-T in Türkiye

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Technical Assistance for Strengthening Operational Capacity through Training and In-house Consultancy to Support Procurement and Implementation of TOP Projects

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Technical Assistance for the Operating Structure to Prepare and Strengthen Programming for the Period 2014-2020

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Technical Assistance Project For Developing The Capacity Of The Directorate Of Eu Investments And Final Beneficiaries – II

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Framework Agreement for Updating Program Implementation Guide and Annexes

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure





Projects under IPA II Period (2014-2020)


Strengthening the Transport Operating Structure and ERAs in IPA II (2014-2020) Period

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Supporting Implementations Regarding Railway Safety and Regulatory Functions of DG Railway Regulation (DGRR)

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Technical Assistance for the Capacity Building of KGM for the Road Infrastructure Safety Management in Türkiye

General Directorate of Highways



Enhancement of Institutional and Administrative Capacity of Directorate of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Centre

Directorate of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Centre



Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Analysis of the Transport Legislation of Türkiye in the Process of Harmonisation with the EU Acquis

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure



Kocaeli Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP Kocaeli)

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality



EU Support to İzmir Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality



Smart Ankara Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

EGO, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality



EU Support for Promoting Sustainable Urban Mobility in Turkish Cities

Union of Municipalities of Türkiye



Strengthening Intermodal Transport Services in Turkish Railway Sector

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure


European Commission DG Mobility and Transport
Website for EU Legislation on Transport Policy
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
DG of Road Transport Regulation
DG of Highways
DG of Civil Aviation
DG of State Airports Authority
DG of Railway Transport Regulation
DG of State Railways
EU Delegation for Türkiye


Updated: 16/09/2024 / Hit: 90,205