Updated: 05/04/2023

EU 2022 Regional Competitiveness Index was published

The European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy published the fifth edition of its Regional Competitiveness Index, a work carried out to measure the competiveness level of the EU regions on 27 March 2023. 

The Index found out that regional competitiveness has improved in the less developed regions since the last edition of the work in 2016, but there are still large disparities between EU regions.

The regional disparities are less evident in the Member States with high competitiveness. These regions have higher GDP, better framework conditions for women and are more attractive for recent graduates in terms of finding new jobs. 

Capital regions are the most competitive except in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.

EU regions still need EU support to improve their competitiveness and narrow disparities. EU Regional Policy is vital for employment, sustainable development and citizens’ welfare.

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Updated: 05/04/2023 / Hit: 5,660