Updated: 28/09/2022

Renewable Youth Energy Operation (REYOU)




Project title

Renewable Youth Energy Operation (REYOU)

Priority area



South Marmara Development Agency

Partner Universities: Balıkesir University and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University



EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The project aims to attract and retain more young people in employment at renewable energy sector by improving educational and vocational training opportunities and strengthening the linkage between formal training and labour market in South Marmara region and to improve lifelong learning capacity of the region.

The project also aims to provide the Beneficiary institution and Partner Universities with equipment in the area of renewable energy and also with technical equipment to be utilized during trainings.


Balıkesir and Çanakkale

Achievements / expected outputs

Renewable energy trainings will be organised for the young people in the fields of wind, photovoltaic and biogas in line with the National Occupational Standards and National Qualifications announced by the VQA), they will be tested and certified

2 Universities will be authorized by TURKAK and VQA accreditation for becoming Authorized Certification Bodies in the field of renewable energy.

The 2 Universities (Operation Partners) will be accredited

5000 persons will be accessed through campaigns/ events

“South Marmara Renewable Energy Labour Market Analysis Report” will be prepared.

Updated: 28/09/2022 / Hit: 3,394