Updated: 19/11/2021

YEAR 2013

Training of Staff on the Spot Controls (OTSC),Risk Evaluation and
IACS Software
Harmonization of Cross Compliance Rules 
Technical Assistance for Capacity Building to Converge Turkish Agricultural System to the European Greening Agricultural Rules and Improving the Implementation of the EU’s Nitrate Directive 
Capacity Building Regarding Official Controls, Risk Communication and Risk Assessment, Animal Welfare, Zoonoses and Animal By-Product Management 
Reinforcement of Turkish Fisheries Management System 
Technical Assistance for Improving Social Dialogue in Working Life
Grant Scheme for Improving Social Dialogue in Working Life
Improvement of Nuclear Safety Regulatory Infrastructure 
Measure 1. Energy Efficiency
Measure 2. Renewable Energy
Measure 6. Awareness Raising among all Relevant Stakeholders 
Measure 1. Energy Efficiency
Measure 3. Electricity and Gas Market Development
Measure 4. Long-term energy scenarios, capacity building and establishment of an Energy Electronic Data Centre
Measure 4. Long-term energy scenarios, capacity building and establishment of an Energy Electronic Data Centre
Measure 6. Awareness Raising among all Relevant Stakeholders 
Technical assistance for developed analytical basis for formulating strategies and actions towards low carbon development
Grant Scheme for Capacity Building in the Field of Climate Change in Türkiye
Technical Assistance for Developed Analytical Basis for Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry  Sector                                                        
Technical assistance for increased capacity for transposition and capacity building on F-gases
Technical assistance for increased public understanding and enhanced stakeholder capacity on the required joint efforts on climate action
Supply for Capacity Building on E-PRTR in Türkiye
Technical Assistance for Capacity Building on European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) in Türkiye
Technical Assistance on Economic Analyses within River Basin Management Plans and Water Efficiency Aspects in 3 Pilot River Basins in Türkiye
Supporting the Individual Application to the Constitutional Court in Türkiye
Enhancement of Participatory Democracy in Türkiye: Monitoring Gender Equality
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of General Command of Gendarmerie Regarding Public Order Management and Crowd Control
Construction Works for Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Gendarmerie General Command Regarding Public Order Management and Crowd Control
Improving the Crime Scene Investigation Capacity of Türkiye
Supply for Improving the Crime Scene Investigation Capacity of Türkiye
Reinforcement of Türkiye’s National Asylum System (Direct Grant with UNHCR)
Supporting Türkiye’s Efforts to Manage Migration (Direct Grant with IOM)
Supporting Migration Policy Development in Türkiye (Direct Grant with ICMPD)
Technical Assistance for Improving Administrative Capacity of Border Management at Local Level
Supply for Increasing Border Surveillance Capacity of Türkiye - Phase 1-Mobile Surveillance Units
Increasing Border Surveillance Capacity of Borders between Türkiye and Greece (Direct Grant with UNDP)
Regional Co-operation on Border Management with Greece and Bulgaria Phase 2
Supply of boats for improving the maritime customs surveillance capacity and operational procedures of TCA
Supply of Vehicles for Improving the maritime customs surveillance capacity and operational procedures of TCA
Improving the Maritime Customs Surveillance Capacity and Operational Procedures of TCA
Strengthening the Legal Aid Service in Türkiye
Enhanced Support Activities to Strengthen the European Integration Process (ESEI)
Enhanced Support Activities to Strengthen the European Integration Process (ESEI)
Participation in Union Programmes and Agencies

Updated: 19/11/2021 / Hit: 3,701