Updated: 01/06/2017

IPA II Civil Society Sub-Sector

In the new implementation period of IPA (2014-2020), the EC and Government of Türkiye agreed that Civil Society would make up a specific sub-sector, under the overall sector of ‘Governance and Democracy’.  Support to civil society does also cross-over into some of the other sectors, where, for example, through grant schemes, CSOs may contribute to achieving sector objectives in Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights, or Education, Employment and Social Policies. About 190 million Euros will be allocated to this sub-sector. The programming of the IPA-II civil society sub-sector has been proceeding with the participation of all relevant parties.

Objectives under the Civil Society sub-sector are to support the development of civil society through more active democratic participation in policy and decision making processes; promote a culture of fundamental rights and dialogue; enhance civil society dialogue and inter-cultural exchange between civil societies in Türkiye and Europe.

Sector Planning Document (SPD) has been prepared for 2014 - 2017 period. In the Sector Planning document the needs of civil society sub-sector identified and the objectives of the sub-sector are defined.

  • Enabling legal environment for active citizenship 
  • Strengthening cooperation between public sector and CSO's
  • Strengthening the capacities of and networking between organised active citizens/CSO's 
  • Civil Society Dialogue

Updated: 01/06/2017 / Hit: 21,523