Updated: 20/12/2020

Third Version of the Project Implementation Manual for Black Sea Basin Programme is now available

In order to provide guidance and support to the Beneficiaries of the 1st and  2nd Call of ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme during project implementation, the new version of the Project Implementation Manual (PIM) was published. The revised manual concerns:  

  • Detailed explanations as regard reporting for beneficiaries of 1st and 2nd Call;
  • More explanations of the provisions of the grant contract and of the Instructions or Notes to beneficiaries, issued by the Managing Authority;
  • Instructions on how to proceed in order to mitigate the risk of losses caused by exchange rate fluctuations;
  • Other revisions meant to provide additional support to beneficiaries also considering the restrictions generated by COVID 19 pandemic.

PIM and its annexes can be downloaded from here: https://blacksea-cbc.net/news/archive-news/version-3-of-the-project-implementation-manual-pim-is-now-available/

Updated: 20/12/2020 / Hit: 9,730