Updated: 20/12/2022

The European Commission approved the INTERREG NEXT Med 2021-2027 Programme

Programme Document of  Cross-border Cooperation Program in the Mediterranean Basin 2021-2027 period was approved by the European Commision with a Decision of December 12, 2022. 

Within the scope of this cross-border cooperation program, in which Türkiye will participate for the first time, there will be an investment opportunity of 253.3 million Euros for 21 provinces in the next 7 years from Türkiye. The priority areas are a more competitive and smart Europe, a greener and low-carbon Europe, a more social and inclusive Europe and for better cooperation governance.

The information campaign for the application conditions will start in the first quater of 2023. 

Please click for the English version of the program document.

Updated: 20/12/2022 / Hit: 6,128