Updated: 05/10/2022

Regional Network Meeting of Programmes in Central and South East Europe for Cross-border Cooperation Programmes held

Regional Network Meeting of Programmes in Central and South East Europe for Cross-border Cooperation Programmes was held in Istanbul on 29-30 September 2022 by Interact, which provides support to the programmes across Europe.

At the event where Directorate of EU Affairs Director General for Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation Mr. Bülent Özcan and representatives of Interact Vienna delivered opening speeches, the representatives from several cross-border cooperation programmes from Central and South East Europe and the European Commission (DG REGIO) participated.

During the meeting, which focused on exchange of knowledge and experience on specific issues faced by the Cross-border Cooperation Programmes from Central and South East Europe, Mr. Özcan emphasized that with Cross-border Cooperation Programmes Türkiye will participate in the 2021-2027 period, local institutions and organizations from Black Sea, Thrace and Mediterranean regions will reach important financial resources and find joint solutions to common local problems with their counterparts in neighboring countries through the projects they will carry out.

On the second day of meeting, participants visited Rahmi M. Koç Museum. During the visit, they were informed about “OLKAS: “From the Aegean to the Black Sea” and OLKAS & “LIMEN: Cultural Ports from Aegean to the Black Sea” Projects co-funded by Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programme in 2007-2013 period.

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Updated: 05/10/2022 / Hit: 2,629