Updated: 24/09/2018

Project Preparation Workshops within the scope of Black Sea Basin Programme will be held in Kastamonu and Samsun

Project Preparation Workshops within the scope of the Second call for proposals of the 2014-2020 Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme, for which which the Directorate for EU Affairs acts as the National Authority will be held in Kastamonu and Samsun on 10th and 12th October respectively.
The main focus of the project preparation workshops will be on raising the awareness about the key elements of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants and key aspects of project activity and financial planning, strengthening the knowledge about key aspects of project development, clarifying project proposal financial requirements and how to apply in the programme electronic system
Target Groups
Eligible potential applicants registered and located in one of the Programme eligible regions, falling under one of the categories below:
1. Local, regional and, if needed for the project purpose, national authorities;
2. Bodies governed by public law, such as state/regional owned institutes, state owned universities and educational institutions, tourism and regional development agencies, cultural and archaeological associations/institutions, nature parks and protected areas management bodies, research institutes;
3. Non-profit organisations such as associations, unions, foundations, private universities if their legal status is of a non-profit organization, Local Action Groups in the fields of agriculture/rural development, fisheries and aquaculture, Euro regions, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation.
The project preparation workshops will be one-day event.
To apply for the workshops, which will be held in Kastamonu and Samsun, please click here

All the accepted registered participants will be announced by e-mail

For further details please contact JTS by phone: +40 341 452 836 or by e-mail: office@bsb.adrse.ro 

Updated: 24/09/2018 / Hit: 7,888