Updated: 11/12/2017

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik Evaluated the Political Debate Between the Candidates for German Chancellor

Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik evaluated, over his twitter account, the political duel held yesterday evening between the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the leader of the Social Democrat Party (SPD) and candidate for chancellor Martin Shulz.

Indicating that the whole world watched this political duel, Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said: “It can be seen that Germany has no concerns except to make Türkiye and migrants into an issue of domestic politics.”

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik pointed out that elections were going to be held without any serious discussion on the economy, education and youth, digitalisation and security, and noted that important conclusions could be drawn  from this political duel.

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik stated: “German politicians are competing with each other in their statements against Türkiye as a part of their political campaign. Good relations between Türkiye and Germany are to the benefit of all”. Minister Ömer Çelik emphasized that German politicians should stop using carelessly chosen words.

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik, who underlined that this language, meant to poison relations between Türkiye and Germany, was a serious problem for Germany, said: “Schulz, in a state of the psychology of failure, is stating the exact opposite of what he had expressed to us behind closed doors,. Merkel has moved to a political position of ‘de-politicisation’ so as not to be outdone.”

- “Is this Schulz’s aim?”

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik recommended that Schulz read more on the populism that had been destructive to the Weimar Republic and indicated that Schulz “spoke in an updated version of the destructive populism of that period.”

Pointing out that suspending negotiations with Türkiye would mean introversion for Europe, Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said: “Talk of suspending negotiations with Türkiye is damaging to the founding values of the EU. Is this Schulz’s aim?”

Noting that there were those who preferred an EU which had lost its ability to negotiate, Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik emphasized that an EU without negotiations led the way to a Europe that was not a “union” where populist criteria took the place of EU values.

Indicating that a “Berlin Wall of bricks of populism” was under construction, Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said: “The approach taken by certain German politicians is to encircle Europe with a Berlin Wall constructed of populism.”

- "They think the EU is the United States of Germany”

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik pointed out that certain German politicians were trying to instruct EU institutions and EU Member States governments, and said: “These politicians do not know the EU and think that the EU is the ‘United States of Germany’. Certain German politicians do not respect EU institutions and values whereas Türkiye does.”

Indicating that Europe has a serious problem regarding certain German politicians who believe that they can instruct all EU institutions, Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said that reference to a suspension of negotiations between the EU and Türkiye within the framework of German domestic politics was in fact an EU crisis.  

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said: “We do not accept these disrespectful messages against Türkiye” and indicated that Türkiye, as a European state and a European democracy, would continue on its path”.

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said that Türkiye would welcome the call to open Chapters 23 and 24 if criticisms of Türkiye were made sincerely, and continued as follows: “Instead of invoking the EU mechanisms, they are trying to use the EU as an instrument of German politics. German domestic policy, which has regrettably developed an approach against the refugees, is a problem for the German democracy.  That there are certain German politicians instructing EU institutions and EU Member States is a problem for Europe. The damage caused by Shulz, who uses the same language as Marine Le Pen, to social democracy should not have diffused into German politics.

There are no concerns for Türkiye in this picture but Pandora’s Box has been opened, which will be reminiscent of historical lessons for the German political culture. While certain German politicians defend a regressive political approach, Türkiye will continue to influence common European politics and the future of Europe.”


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Updated: 11/12/2017 / Hit: 7,253