Updated: 08/02/2019

IPA Multi-Country Programme Information and Evaluation Meeting was held at the Directorate for EU Affairs

IPA Multi-Country Program Information and Evaluation Meeting, whose implementation in Türkiye is managed by Directorate for EU Affairs as NIPAC Coordinator, was organized on 7 February 2019 in Volkan Vural meeting hall at Directorate for EU Affairs. 

In the meeting chaired by  Mr. Bülent ÖZCAN, Acting General Director of Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation, the participant institutions were informed and exchanged views about the Programme, representatives from AFAD and Ministry of Family, Labour, Social Services, which previously implemented projects under the Programme, shared their experiences.

The meeting was concluded by the realization of the action plan in the new period.

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Updated: 08/02/2019 / Hit: 7,820