Updated: 09/11/2023

Interreg Bulgaria-Türkiye Programme Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting was Held in Yambol

Within the scope of 2021-2027 period of the Interreg Bulgaria-Türkiye Cross-border Cooperation Programme, for which our Directorate acts as the National Authority, the Joint Monitoring Committee, which is the the main decision-making mechanism of the Programme, met in Yambol, Bulgaria.

Important stakeholders in the region, including public institutions, local governments and non-governmental organizations, attended the meeting chaired by Angelina Todorova-Boneva, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works from Bulgaria and Serdar Öztürk, Deputy Director General of Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation from the Directorate for European Union Affairs.

During the meeting, results of 2014-2020 period of the Programme were evaluated and current state of play in the management and implementation of 2021-2027 period was discussed. In addition, the application guide, which specifies the rules for the call for proposals to be announced under the priority of "an environmentally friendly Europe" aiming for the SMEs established in the region, has been approved. The approved guide will be published on the Programme website in the upcoming period. Moreover, the list of project ideas selected and envisaged to be funded under call for project ideas, published on 22 May 2023 within the scope of "a Europe closer to citizens" priority for 2021-2027 period, was approved. Accordingly, the project preliminary bidders approved at the meeting will be invited to submit a comprehensive project proposal.

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Updated: 09/11/2023 / Hit: 3,041