Updated: 03/07/2023

Information about the First call for project ideas under the Territorial Strategy of the Bulgaria-Türkiye CBC Programme

A questions & answers document has been published a question and answer document on the first call for project ideas under the Territorial Strategy of the Interreg Bulgaria-Türkiye Program 2021-2027.

The binding document contains critical information on rules and basic requirements regarding the eligibility of project ideas, potential applicants, project activities and costs.

In this context, it is crucial for potential project beneficiaries aiming to apply to the call for proposals to carefully examine the document.

You can find the Questions and Answers document regarding the First Call HERE.

You can read about the preliminary call for proposals HERE.

The deadline for submission of project ideas is July 24, 2023, 17:00 EEST.

Updated: 03/07/2023 / Hit: 3,447