Updated: 13/05/2015

The Second Dialogue Seminars in Istanbul as part of Civil Society Dialogue (CSD) III

Supported under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), the second of a series of Dialogue Seminars was held in Istanbul on 13-14 May 2015.  These seminars are one of the components of the Civil Society Dialogue (CSD) III co-financed by the Republic of Türkiye and European Union and conducted by the Ministry for EU Affairs.

The Dialogue Seminars are organised to create a strong network between civil society organisations, media members, and public officials as the primary actors in the accession process. The seminars aim to strengthen the capacity of these actors to work collectively in improving understanding of EU-Türkiye relations in the wider society.

The second seminar, organised with the participation of representatives of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), local and national media representatives, as well as public officers from the cities of Istanbul, Bolu, Bursa, Zonguldak, Giresun, Kocaeli, Kırklareli and Sakarya, lasted two days. Ministry for EU Affairs Deputy Undersecretary Dr. Mehmet Cangir made the opening speech where he said “We believe that the synergy created by the active participation of CSOs, media and public representatives to the EU membership process will give a great impetus to our membership process.” On the first day, the participants shared their experiences on the panel “Dialogue Seminars for Cooperation between Public, Civil Society and Media: Understand, Tell and Cooperate”. Following this session, participants had the opportunity to evaluate their contribution to Türkiye-EU relations and their means for delivering information about Türkiye's EU membership process to the wider public.

For further details and dates of these Dialogue Seminars, please visit http://civilsocietydialogue.org/

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Updated: 13/05/2015 / Hit: 12,175