Updated: 21/04/2022

EU Directorate Scholarships for the College of Europe Master's Programme for the Academic Year 2022-2023 have been awarded

11 students have been awarded with EU Directorate Scholarship for the academic year 2022-2023 at the College of Europe on the basis of their academic qualifications and their success in the interview. 7 students have been selected as substitutes.

We congratulate the successful awardees of the College of Europe Masters' Programme EU Directorate Scholarship for the academic year 2022-2023 and wish them success in the academic studies at the College of Europe and their future endevours.

Click here to access the list of 2022-2023 College of Europe Master's Programme EU Directorate Scholarship awardees and substitutes.

Any questions relating to the procedure to follow may be addressed to avrupakoleji@ab.gov.tr



Updated: 21/04/2022 / Hit: 10,917