Updated: 26/05/2020

EaSI Programme Open Call for Proposals Informative Meeting will be held remotely on May 28, 2020

The Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) Programme, in which Directorate for EU Affairs is responsible for the coordination in our country, is the Union Program implemented by the European Commission in order to provide qualified and sustainable employment in the EU, to provide adequate social protection, to support social exclusion and poverty and to improve working conditions.

There are four calls for proposals that are currently open under the program. These calls are listed below: 

1. Information and Training Measures for Workers' Organizations (VP2020 / 02)

2. Support Call for Social Dialogue (VP2020 / 01)

3. Strengthening Administrative Cooperation and Access to Information in Placing Employees at Work (VP2020 / 07)

4. Improving Expertise in Industrial Relations (VP2020 / 04)

A webinar will be held on Thursday, May 28, 2020, at 11:00 am in order to promote these calls for proposals, increase the participation from our country and encourage institutions that may be relevant in this regard.

Participation of experts from EU and Foreign Relations departments of our institutions and organizations are welcomed. Esteemed participants who wish to attend the meeting can register at https://bit.ly/2yhGjPk  no later than May 27, 2020 17:00.

For further questions: bp@ab.gov.tr

Updated: 26/05/2020 / Hit: 10,941