Updated: 28/07/2020

EaSI New Call for Proposal on Social Innovation

EaSI New Call for Proposal on Social Innovation The call for poroposal under EaSI Programme Establishing and testing integrated interventions aimed at supporting people in (the most) vulnerable situations has been published.


This call for proposals aims to support existing or new partnerships (see section 6.1) in testing innovative approaches supporting in particular the delivery of Principle 14 of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The call will support innovative and experimental local/regional-level projects aimed at putting in place comprehensive strategies, mechanisms and services ensuring a holistic approach to support people in (the most) vulnerable situations.

Available budget

The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated at 10 000 000 EUR.

The Commission expects to fund around 8 proposals.

Under this call for proposals, the EU grant may not exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the action.

Eligibility of the applicants [(lead and co-applicants)]

a) Place of establishment

Legal entities properly established and registered in the following countries are eligible as applicants:

• EU Member States;

• Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein in accordance with the EEA Agreement;

• Albania, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Türkiye.

Bearing in mind the need for a balanced geographical coverage in this call, a maximum of 2 projects proposed by lead applicants from the same country can be selected for funding.

b) Type of entities

To be eligible, the lead applicant and co-applicants must be one of the following:

• public authority or public agency expressly mandated in writing by the competent public authorities to assume responsibility for the implementation of the action;

• non-profit organisation (private or public);

• research centres / institutes / higher education establishments;

• civil society organisations18;

• social partner organisation at European19, national or regional level

c) Consortia

The grant shall be awarded to a consortium of stakeholders (lead applicant and co-applicants), based on the following eligibility criteria:

i. The lead applicant must be a public authority at central, regional or local level, or a body governed by the public law.

ii. The lead applicant and co-applicants must together cover the following three:

(i) body responsible for granting or administering minimum income benefits (or similar social safety net cash benefits),

(ii) body delivering active labour market policy measures, namely public or private employment services,

(iii) body delivering social services and/or enabling goods and services, namely various public and non-profit organisations providing in-kind benefits22 and support services23 to vulnerable households.

iii. At least one of the co-applicants shall be a non-governmental organisation.

iv. At least one co-applicant shall be from another EaSI Participating Country than the main applicant. (Such partner must be a body fulfilling the criteria under point b.)

Deadline for submitting applications: 15/10/2020

For further information: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=629&langId=en&callId=603&furtherCalls=yes 

If you have any questions: empl-vp-2020-003@ec.europa.eu

Updated: 28/07/2020 / Hit: 23,171