Updated: 28/12/2022

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı participated in the Turkish Exporters Assembly’s (TİM) Online Launch of “Regional Sustainable Export Mobilization Ege Training Programme”

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı delivered an opening speech in the Turkish Exporters Assembly’s (TİM) online launch of “Regional Sustainable Export Mobilization Marmara Training Programme” on 27 December 2022.

TİM aims to raise awareness among exporters, producers and entrepreneurs on the European Green Deal, climate change and sustainability through the trainings within the framework of its “Sustainability Action Plan”, announced with the message “We Produce for the World without Consuming the World”.


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Updated: 28/12/2022 / Hit: 2,010