Updated: 02/08/2019

COSME Call for Proposals: Encouraging Community building around the issue of women entrepreneurship- Management and running of the WEgate Platform

In order to support women who would like to start or expand their business, the European Commission created in 2016 an on-line, Europe-wide platform called WEgate. Since September 2016, this platform serves as a hub for connecting women entrepreneurs with local, national and European support organizations, thus facilitating their access to mentoring and business networks across Europe.

WEgate offers information, such as where to get help and access to finance or business networks, as well as training, learning opportunities and mentoring programmes. To inspire women, the platform displays case studies and success stories, and relevant news and events are advertised to raise awareness. WEgate also includes links to national and local organizations and other platforms supporting women entrepreneurs. It includes a WEgate Directory, which is a database with profiles of users registered through an online form. Further, registered users can opt for receiving the WEgate newsletter and e-mail alerts.

In addition, a communication and outreach campaign is running in the first half of 2019. The focus is on five target countries: Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland and Romania. The objective is not only to make the e-platform more widely known but also to engage support organisations to provide editorial content for WEgate and help promote the platform. WEgate also maintains a public video channel.

Through an ongoing service contract, the European Commission is working on improving the e-platform by targeting a larger audience and addressing business support organisations engaged with women entrepreneurs. Consequently, the WEgate e-platform is currently subject to a rationalisation that will improve its content, structure and design, including a planned reduction of its navigation and content languages to English, French and German.

The rationalised WEgate is planned to be online in the first semester of 2019. The applicant is requested to visit the WEgate e-platform regularly before the deadline of the present call for proposals.

Deadline for the proposals is 5 September 2019, 17:00 local time in Brussels.   

For more information: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/cos-2018-5-01

Updated: 02/08/2019 / Hit: 11,946