Updated: 01/11/2019

Call for Proposal for the Sixth Phase of the TR-EU Civil Society Dialogue Programme (CSD-VI)

The call for proposals for the sixth phase of the TR-EU Civil Society Dialogue Programme implemented by the Directorate for European Union Affairs has been published!

The program with a total budget of 4.5 million Euros aims to develop projects jointly carried out by civil society organizations from Türkiye and the EU Member States on issues related to all the chapters of the EU negotiation process. At least 60,000 Euros and up to 150,000 Euros grant support will be provided to the projects jointly developed by associations, foundations, federations/confederations of associations and foundations, and non-profit making cooperatives from Türkiye with the non-profit making organizations from EU member states.

The grant application deadline is 12 November 2019 and applications must be made to the Central Finance and Contracts Unit in Türkiye (www.cfcu.gov.tr) by courier, postal service or by hand.

For detailed information:

Updated: 01/11/2019 / Hit: 56,893