MEDIA / News /

  Updated: 18/01/2023

The technical meeting of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin CBC Programme, for which our Directorate acts as the National Authority, took place online on 18 January 2023. Representatives of the National Authorities from Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Türkiye and Ukraine as well as the Programme’s Managing Authority, the Joint Technical Secretariat, the European Commission and TESIM participated in the meeting. While our country was represented by the delegation from the Department of Cross-border Cooperation, during the meeting participants discussed some provisions of the guidelines for applicants of the first call under 2021-2027 period.

An amount of 35.4 million Euro is allocated for the first call for proposals and project applications can be submitted from the Joint Electronic Monitoring System (JEMS), which will be accessible at https://www.blacksea-cbc.net/, during 3 months from February 2023.

Besides, VAT was adopted as eligible expenditure in all Programme countries including Türkiye (For the first time, Turkish beneficiaries can realize VAT including expenditures in EU-funded projects). Furthermore, as flat rate cost option was accepted in the Programme, there will be no need to report expenditure documents in all other budget lines except staff cost in small scale projects with €250,000-500,000 budget as well as staff costs and office&admin costs in regular projects with €500,001-1,500,000 budget.

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Updated: 18/01/2023 / Hit: 2,079