Updated: 12/12/2019

Call for Proposal for Common Cultural Heritage: Preservation and dialogue between Turkey and the EU–II

The call for proposals for “Common Cultural Heritage: Preservation and     dialogue between Türkiye and the EU” implemented by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism within the scope of the civil society sector has been published! The Directorate for EU Affairs is the lead institution of the civil society sector.

The program with a total budget of 3 million Euros aims to promote of civil society dialogue by means of culture, arts and cultural heritage through the improvement of international cooperation on cultural heritage and promotion of cultural values in Türkiye. The specific objective of this call for proposals is the promotion of cross-border dialogues and networking between civil society organisations (CSOs) in Türkiye and the EU in the areas of culture and arts including creative sectors and cultural heritage.

At least 60,000 Euros and up to 150,000 Euros grant support will be provided to the projects jointly developed by associations, foundations, federations/confederations of associations and foundations, and non-profit making cooperatives from Türkiye with the non-profit making organizations from EU member states. Additionally, universities, museum and municipalities could be co-applicants.

The grant application deadline is 28 January 2020 and applications must be made to the Central Finance and Contracts Unit in Türkiye (www.cfcu.gov.tr) by courier, postal service or by hand.

For detailed information:

Guidelines for Grant Applicants

Local Publication

Documents to be filled

Documents for Information

Updated: 12/12/2019 / Hit: 37,111