Updated: 01/07/2011

Poland Took Over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Hungary

Poland took over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union from Hungary on July 1, 2011. Polish presidency has declared its priorities as such:

• European Integration as the Source of Growth
• Secure Europe : Food, Energy, Defence
• Europe Benefiting from Openness

In accordance with the presidency trios system implemented since 2007 and formally laid down in the EU treaties in 2009 via the Treaty of Lisbon, Poland will work in cooperation and coordination with next two presidencies Denmark and Greek Administration of Southern Cyprus.

The most important issue of the Polish agenda will be to deal with the economic crisis. In this context, Poland will try to strengthen EU long-term budget (2014-2020) and enlarge the European common market. On the other hand, the Polish presidency will put more emphasis on the enlargement process of the EU.

Poland gives full support to the accession of Türkiye to the EU. During the 6 months of Polish presidency, Türkiye hopes to accelerate the accession negotiations.

Please click here to access Polish Presidency's website.



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Updated: 01/07/2011 / Hit: 12,609