Updated: 30/07/2010

Heinz- Schwarzkopf Foundation "Young European of the Year" Prize

Heinz- Schwarzkopf Foundation "Young European of the Year" Prize

The Heinz-Schwarzkopf Foundation was established with the aim of developing a dialogue between young people and encouraging them to make contributions in strengthening European integration. In order to achieve this aim, Heinz-Schwarzkopf Foundation offers seminars, debates, scholarships and awards.

The Heinz-Schwarzkopf Foundation awards the annual prize "Young European of the Year" since 1997. The prize "Young European of the Year" is given to young people aged between 18 and 28 who have achieved an exemplary success in fostering understanding among people and/or the idea of European integration. The winner of the "Young European of the Year" is awarded an amount of € 5,000. This award enables the winner to make 6-months internship with a member of the European Parliament or at different European institution or to prepare a European project for the promotion of European integration.

In 2006, this annual prize was presented for the first time to a Turkish young, Burcu Becermen who is a member of the AEGEE-Ankara. She deserved this prestigious prize for her great success as a coordinator within the "Turkish-Greek Civilian Dialogue" project carried out between the years of 2002 and 2005.

Please click for the invitation to participate, the nomination form and the list of previous winners.

Updated: 30/07/2010 / Hit: 14,280