Updated: 21/02/2023



      1) Free Movement of Goods
      2) Freedom of Movement of Workers
      3) Right of Establisment and Freedom to Provide Services
      4) Free Movement of Capital
      5) Public Procurement
      6) Company Law
      7) Intellectual Property Law
      8) Competition Policy
      9) Financial Services
      10) Information Society and Media
      11) Agriculture and Rural Development
      12) Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy
      13) Fisheries
      14) Transport Policy
      15) Energy
      16) Taxation
      17) Economic and Monetary Policy
      18) Statistcis
      19) Social Policy and Employement
      20) Enterprise and Industrial Policy
      21) Trans-European Networks
      22) Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments
      23) Judiciary and Fundemental Rights
      24) Justice, Freedom and Security
      25) Science and Research
      26) Education and Cultrue
      27) Environment
      28) Consumer and Health Protection
      29) Customs Union
      30) External Relations
      31) Foreign, Security and Defence Policy
      32) Financial Control
      33) Financial and Budgetary Provisions
      34) Institutions
      35) Other Issues

Updated: 21/02/2023 / Hit: 136,005