Updated: 16/05/2024

The Pact on Migration and Asylum was adopted

The European Parliament and the Council has reached a political agreement on a series of legislative acts within the scope of the Pact on Migration and Asylum last December, which were proposed by the European Commission in 2020. Following the approval of the European Parliament, legislative acts were accepted by the EU Council on 14 May 2024.

In the scope of the Pact, Proposal for Regulation introducing a screening of third country nationals at the external borders, Proposal for Asylum Procedures Regulation, Amended Proposal for Eurodac Regulation, Proposal for Asylum Migration Management Regulation and Proposal for Crisis and Force Majeure Regulation were adopted. Additionally, directives related to reception and qualification within the Common European Asylum System were aligned with other changes under the Pact, and the Regulation on Border Return Procedures, regulating the return of international protection applicants that have been rejected within the "border procedures" created under the Pact, was adopted.

With the new amendments, a screening process is introduced for irregular migrants wishing to enter the EU, a system called "border procedure" is established aiming for the rapid evaluation of asylum applications, and a system is created that includes more effective identity verification and aims for the rapid assessment of asylum applications. Alongside, new rules aim to regulate burden-sharing within the EU in this area, to expedite returns, and to effectively implement the rules regarding which country is responsible for assessment of the application of a person who applies for asylum in the EU.

Member states will have two years to implement the adopted legislative acts. To facilitate this process, the European Commission is expected to present a common implementation plan.

For detailed information: https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/policies/migration-and-asylum/pact-migration-and-asylum_en

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Updated: 16/05/2024 / Hit: 8,684