Updated: 29/11/2023

Another Cooperation Project under The Bulgaria-Türkiye Cross-border Cooperation Programme… A Strategic Project’s Contract Signed Between Bulgaria and Türkiye: Cooperation for Border Management

The contract award ceremony and press conference of project  under the policy objective of "a safer cross-border cooperation area ", which will be implemented in 2021-2027 period within the scope of the Bulgaria-Türkiye Cross-border Cooperation Programme, took place in Burgas, hosted by Bulgaria, the Managing Authority of the programme.

The contract award ceremony was held after the speeches of Ivelina Dundakova Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Interior, Angelina Boneva, Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and Tolga Orkun, Consul General of the Republic of Türkiye in the district of Burgas. After taking  the family photo, the content of the project were shared and the difficulties to be encountered during the implementation period of the project were discussed t, in the session held with the participation of Senior Commissioner Chavdar Georgiev, Director of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior Haskovo, Senior Commissioner Ivan Rusev, Director of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior Yambol and Yusuf Güler, Deputy Governor of Kırklareli. The contract award ceremony closed with answers to the questions of the press members.

Bulgaria-Türkiye Cross-border Cooperation Programme has been ongoing since 2004 and under the policy objective of "a safer and more secure Europe", a strategic project is being implemented for the first time between Bulgaria and Türkiye with the aim of increasing cooperation in the field of border management.. The project, which will be implemented under the name "strengthening the cooperation capacity of the police force in the field of migration management in Haskovo, Burgas and Yambol administrative regions and Edirne and Kırklareli provinces for a safer and more secure Europe", will focus on the development of the capacities and professional skills of the law enforcement officers working in the said provinces in the fields of migration management and protection of human rights. The project aims to train police force members in Bulgaria, and both police force members and customs enforcement officers who participate in activities to be carried out in customs areas in Türkiye.


Preparations of the project  started in February 2020, and carried out by the Presidency of Türkiye, Presidency of Strategy and Budget, the General Directorate of Provincial Administration, the Presidency of Migration Management, Ministry of Trade, Trakya Development Agency, Edirne and Kırklareli Governorships.  On the Turkish side of the project, the partners are Edirne and Kırklareli Governorships, while on the Bulgarian side the lead partner of the project is the Burgas Regional Administration of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, and the others are Bulgarian partners are Haskovo Regional Administration and Yambol Regional Administration.   At the ceremony, the grant agreement was signed between the lead partner and the Bulgarian Managing Authority and the implementation period of the project started thereafter.

Updated: 29/11/2023 / Hit: 3,896