Updated: 03/11/2023

The European Commission presented a European Wind Power Package

The European Commission put forward a European Wind Power Package on 24 October 2023 to strengthen the EU wind energy sector in line with the EU target of increasing the share of renewable energy in the EU's total energy consumption to 42.5% by 2030 and ambition to reach 45%, as envisaged in the Renewable Energy Directive recently revised under the Fit-for-55 legislative package.

The “European Wind Energy Action Plan”, which is the primary element of the package, sets out fifteen concrete actions structured under six main pillars. These include, acceleration of deployment through increased predictability and faster permitting, supporting Member States in improving auction design, facilitating access to EU finance, a fair and competitive international environment, supporting skills development; and industry engagement and Member States commitments.

The Action Plan is accompanied by a Communication on delivering on the EU's offshore energy ambition, including wind power, following up on the EU Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy adopted three years ago. The Communication includes additional actions to strengthen grid infrastructure and regional cooperation, accelerate permitting, ensure integrated Maritime Spatial Planning, strengthen resilience of infrastructure, sustain research and innovation, and develop supply chains and skills.

Further information related to the EU Wind Energy Package can be accessed from the links below:




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Updated: 03/11/2023 / Hit: 4,810