Updated: 04/04/2023

Emergence of Creative Industries and Transformation of Economy of Gaming, Wearables and New Generation Film Making - ECITE




Project title

Emergence of Creative Industries and Transformation of Economy of Gaming, Wearables and New Generation Film Making - ECITE

Priority area

SMEs, Micro SMEs, Entrepreneurs and Self-Employees in Gaming, Wearable Technology and Next Generation Film Production Sector in Digital Industry


Middle East Technical University


METU Audiovisual Systems Research and Application Center (GISAM), METU Design Factory, METU TEKPOL (Science and Technology Policy Studies Research Center), METU SEM (Continuing Education Center), METU Teknokent, Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO), Ankara Development (AnkaraKA) ), Game Developers Association of Turkey (TOGED), Fashion Designers Unity and Solidarity Association (MTBDD)


30 months

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

With the project, it was aimed to support the competitiveness and sustainability of entrepreneurs, micro SMEs and SMEs in the fields of gaming, wearable technologies and new generation film production and to increase their place in the global market by creating a creative center.



Achievements / expected outputs

  • Creating a creative Center (HUB) that includes innovative, advanced technologies and methods to increase competitiveness and sustainability for micro SMEs, SMEs and Business owners involved in Digital Games, Wearable Technology and Next Generation Film Production.
  • Providing support to the Center (HUB) and SMEs through the equipment to be purchased (computer software and licenses, electronic devices, prototyping devices, etc.)
  • Information gathering and analysis
  • Organizing Various Trainings
  • Dissemination and promotion of project activities and results

Updated: 04/04/2023 / Hit: 2,896