Updated: 27/09/2022

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı participated in the EU Membership Process at Provinces 9: Kayseri Event

Deputy Minister of  Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı met with the representatives of the public institutions, local authorities, and civil society organizations in the event of “EU Membership Process at Provinces 9: Kayseri” organised in cooperation with Kayseri Governorate, on 19 September 2022.

In the event, the main dynamics of and current issues in Türkiye-EU relations were evaluated. Underlining the importance of the active participation and support of local actors in Türkiye’s accession process, Deputy Minister Faruk Kaymakcı also stated that local actors have important responsibilities and duties in adopting and implementing an important part of the EU acquis.

The event also introduced EU opportunities that institutions and organizations in Kayseri can benefit from within the scope of Erasmus+ Programme, European Solidarity Programme, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Funds, Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme, College of Europe Scholarship Programme, and Union Programmes.

Continuing his Kayseri visit with the event hosted by Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality as part of the European Mobility Week, Ambassador Kaymakcı also attended the "Our EU Process and Opportunities for Turkish Youth" conference held at Erciyes University, and then came together with the officials of Kayseri Chamber of Industry and Kayseri Chamber of Commerce, at "Our EU Membership Process, European The Green Consensus and the Role of Our Business World”.

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Updated: 27/09/2022 / Hit: 3,980