Updated: 23/09/2022





Project title


Priority area

Justice and Education


Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services


Other relevant Directorates General of MoNE, e.g., Directorates General for Lifelong Learning, Basic Education, Secondary Education, Religious Education, Vocational and Technical Education


Duration: 25 Months

Start: 25/03/2013

End: 25/05/2015

EU contribution (Euro)

€ 3,000,000






Brief description of the project and main objectives

Turkey has made great efforts towards prevention and reduction of violence against children since 1990, following the ratification of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, which calls for legislative, administrative, social and educational actions to protect children from all forms of violence and abuse (e.g., physical, sexual, emotional violence and neglect). Additionally, the national legislation has been harmonised with the international agreements. Child Protection Law no. 5395 enacted in 2005 and the regulations to its implementation are issued in 2006, while the Family Protection and the Prevention of Violence against Women Law no. 6284 was issued in 2012.

These developments have triggered the implementation of several EU funded projects; “Towards Good Governance, Protection and Justice for Children” (where assistance was provided for the development of “Preventing and Reducing Violence in Educational Environments Strategy and Action Plan (2006-2011+), “Children First: Modelling Child Protection Mechanisms at Provincial Level”; “Peer Support and Solidarity Project”; “Do Something About Your Life”; “Awareness Raising on Children’s Rights to Prevent Violence”.

Designed in 2010, the intervention is based on the accumulated experiences and lessons learned from the previous projects / studies, indicating that there is still room for improving the following areas / subjects:

• establishment of accurate baseline data and measurement tools;

• involvement of civil society serving both parents and children;

• development of models for preventing violence in schools and other educational


• raising awareness of all relevant stakeholders on preventing violence towards


The project is designed to respond to the needs underlined above and to contribute to the revision of the Strategy and Action Plan 2006-2011+ towards building on the progress made to date, through inclusion of new models and measures. Besides, the intervention has a capacity building target to enhance the knowledge of the teachers as well as the non-teaching staff working in the school settings. Intensive awareness raising activities are included into the design to be conducted both at central and local levels, particularly in the pilot schools.

The Ministry of National Education Directorate General for Special Education and Guidance Services is the Beneficiary of the project. Furthermore, other relevant DGs of MoNE such as DGs

of Life Long Learning, Basic Education, Secondary Education, Religious Education, Vocational and Technical Education, etc. are highly involved in different aspects of violence towards children.




Achievements / expected outputs


Result 1: Capacities of follow up and prevent services on preventing violence against children increased

Result 2: Violence towards children at schools reduced by developing a Model School “Life Skills for Students with Self-confidence” which is free from physical, emotional, verbal and psychological violence

Result 3: Preventing domestic and other forms of violence against children outside schools.


Updated: 23/09/2022 / Hit: 3,010