Updated: 21/04/2022

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı participated in Project Opportunities in EU Programmes in the Fields of Social Solidarity, Volunteering and Disaster Fighting Workshop

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı addressed the “Workshop on Project Opportunities in EU Programmes in the Fields of Social Solidarity, Volunteering and Disaster Fighting” which was co-hosted by the Directorate for EU Affairs and Deputy Head of Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate (AFAD) in the from of an hybrid event on 19 April 2022.   , with the participation of, Deputy Head of Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate (AFAD) Önder BOZKURT Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to Türkiye Eleftheria PERTZİNİDOU also delievered opening speeched in the event.

In his opening speech, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı underlined that “Volunteering and solidarity activities have a key role in in the successful fight against disasters and EU Programmes stand out as critical tools in the augmentation of the efficieny generated by  volunteering and solidarity activities.  I ‘m calling upon toall the institutions and organizations in related fields, especially municipalities and NGOs, to actively participate in the programmes.”

In  the workshop, which brought public and private organizations and institutions, municipalities and NGOs together, it was aimed at growing the performance of Türkiye by raising information and awareness about Union Civil Protection Mechanism, ESC and Horizon Europe Programmes in the fields of social solidarity, volunteering and disaster fighting  and increasing the capacities of institutions/organizations. Representatives of the AFAD, Turkish National Agency and TUBITAK  informed the participants about the programmes and the project calls. During several panels spread throughout the day panelists representing  the organizations with project experience from previous calls shared their achievements, outputs of created by the projects, challenges faced at different stages of the implementation, lessons learned and setting up cooperation with the EU member states.


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Updated: 21/04/2022 / Hit: 5,344