Updated: 10/02/2022

Strengthening the Coordination of Anti-Corruption Policies and Practices in Türkiye



Project title

Strengthening the Coordination of Anti-Corruption Policies and Practices in Türkiye

Priority area

Democracy and Governance


The Prime Ministry Inspection Board


Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the Undersecretary of Treasury Controllers, the Ministry of Interior, the Tax Inspection Board, the Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communication, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Sworn in Banking Auditors.


30 months (29/12/2012-28/05/2015)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

This project contributes to a more efficient and effective structure in the fight against corruption in Türkiye


The aim is to enhance the expertise of the inspectors, auditors and controllers of different institutions about modern investigation and reporting techniques, cooperation, data collection and analysis, information sharing and developing sector specific anti-corruption policies, to enhance the expertise of PMIB Inspectors on coordinating the corruption investigations and implementing anti-corruption policies across relevant agencies, monitoring the implementation of the national anti-corruption strategy.



Achievements / expected outputs

  • The current legislative framework covering investigations, information sharing, anti-corruption strategies and coordination of investigations is analysed and compared with the requirements of international conventions. Based on the results, an investigation guide and reporting standards are developed.
  • Data regarding investigations of corruption cases are gathered and analysed, and corruption maps of risky areas are produced.


  • Inspectors are trained on developing sector specific anti-corruption strategies, coordinating corruption investigations, modern investigation and reporting techniques and sharing information.

Updated: 10/02/2022 / Hit: 2,604