Updated: 28/01/2022

Weight and Dimension Controls of Commercial Vehicles



Project title

Weight and Dimension Controls of Commercial Vehicles

Priority area

Competitiveness and Innovation


Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications


Ministry of Interior – DG for Security, Traffic Services Department and Gendarmerie


18 months (16/04/2012-16/10/2013)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

This project increases road and traffic safety in Türkiye, decreases environmental pollution and improve the physical conditions of roads while diminishing the cost of road maintenance.

The aim is to provide technical assistance services and training in order to achieve an effective implementation of the stations to be set up according to the EC Directives 96/53 and 2002/7 on the control of weight and dimension of trucks”.




Achievements / expected outputs

New weight and dimension control stations have been set-up to

increase the effectiveness and capabilities for inspection of vehicles is planned to be achieved through the 22 WDC stations to be set up and equipped in addition to those already serving.

Capacity of MoTMAC’s human resources has been upgraded,

efficiency improved and increased in number through training modules and study visits organised. This result is planned to be achieved by developing curricula to train 60 trainers and 200 personnel from the relevant enforcement authorities and by organizing two study visits.

Awareness campaigns carried out, thus changing attitude and behaviour of the road users and stakeholders is planned to be achieved by two awareness-raising campaigns, one targeting the actors in the sector and the other targeting the general public..

Preventive measures implemented, reducing negative effects caused by overloaded vehicles on road safety, environment and the country’s economics is planned to be achieved through the preparation of guidelines to ensure easy implementation of the EU Directive.


Updated: 28/01/2022 / Hit: 2,489