Updated: 20/01/2022

Modernisation Of Turkish Customs Administration - VI (Risk Management)




Project title

Modernisation Of Turkish Customs Administration - VI (Risk Management)

Priority area



Turkish Customs Administration (Ministry of Trade)




13 months (04/01/2021-22/02/2013)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The overall objective of the project is strengthening the evaluation, information and risk assessment abilities of Turkish Customs Administration (TCA) so as to hinder illegal trading of commercial goods as well as narcotics, explosive in the process of proper protection of the potential future external borders of the EU and to ensure that TCA is in a position to fulfil the tasks and obligations of an EU compatible Customs Administration. [The TCA latterly became part of the Ministry of Trade]

The purpose of this project is to upgrade the capacity of TCA through:  - Implementing more effective monitoring and evaluating systems for Risk Analysis, thus augmenting the capacity of monitoring of international trade and preventing fraud;

-Better compliance with EC Customs Blueprints on trade facilitation based on risk management.



Achievements / expected outputs

The following have been achieved:

  • TCA’s administrative, organisational and operational capacity in the area of Risk Management in accordance with the benchmarks given by the Business Change Management Plan (BCMP) and National Action Plan (NAP) further strengthened.
  • Action Plan has been produced based on Gap and Needs Analysis both for the project lifetime and for the next five years.
  • New risk management system has been in place and operational.
  • At least 20 personnel of the TCA Risk Management Unit has been trained about risk analysis management.
  • The overall standard of risk assessment ability of the operational staff (at least 150) has been raised.

Updated: 20/01/2022 / Hit: 2,365