  Updated: 14/12/2021

Strengthening Capacity Against Cybercrime




Project title

Strengthening Capacity Against Cybercrime

Priority area

Rule of law and fundamental rights


Turkish National Police and Gendarmerie General Command


Ministry of Justice


23 months (15/11/2012-14/10/2014)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

This project aims to improve the capacity of law enforcement and criminal justice authorities against cybercrime in line with EU policies and strategies.


The aim of the Project is to improve the investigative capacity of law enforcement authorities, education capacity of law enforcement officers and criminal justice authorities and improve the cooperation level between national and international public and private sector bodies against cybercrime.



Achievements / expected outputs

  • Amendment in the relevant legislation according to EU policies and also in line with the Convention on Cybercrime and Convention on Protection of Personal Data.
  • Testing of training Modules for standard and advanced training courses for law enforcement authorities, prosecutors and judges regarding the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of cybercrime.
  • Procedures for 24/7 point of contact are available and officials responsible for international police and judicial cooperation are able to cooperate internationally according to these procedures, which are fully in line with EU Decisions, the Convention on Cybercrime and the Convention on Protection of Personal Data.
  • The dialogue between law enforcement authorities and internet service providers is strengthened, procedures and guidelines are available for requests to cooperate fully in line with the Convention on Cybercrime and EU acquis.

Updated: 14/12/2021 / Hit: 2,582