Updated: 23/03/2022

Supporting the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Prevention of violations of the European Convention on Human Rights



Project title

Supporting the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Prevention of violations of the European Convention on Human Rights

Priority area

Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Sector / Fundamental Rights Sub-Field

Implementing partner

Council of Europe

Partner institutions

Ministry of Justice

Duration (months) + start and end dates

48 months

EU contribution(euro)





Brief description of the project and main objectives

Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the Action Plan on Prevention of Violations of the European Convention on Human Rights focusing on elimination of  systemic lacunas leading to ECHR violations



Achieved results / expected outputs

- Efficient and effective implementation of the Action Plan.

- Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Justice - Department of Human Rights and relevant institutions in the monitoring and implementation of the Action Plan.



Updated: 23/03/2022 / Hit: 3,827