Updated: 21/12/2022

Establishing Strong Monitoring, Evaluation and Coordination Mechanism for National Roma Integration Strategy (for the Action Plans)



Project title

Establishing Strong Monitoring, Evaluation and Coordination Mechanism for National Roma Integration Strategy (for the Action Plans)

Priority area

Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Sector / Fundamental Rights Sub-Field

Implementing partner


Partner institutions

Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, local authorities (local governors, municipalities),  non-governmental organizations

Duration (months) + start and end dates

30 months

July 2020 – December 2022 

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The objective is to support the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy (NRIS); contribute to achieve measurable progress towards effective monitoring and evaluating of NRIS and ensure cooperation and communication between Roma NGOs, public institutions, policy makers and local authorities



Achieved results / expected outputs

-Establishment of a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework and related practices for the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy (NRIS)

- Capacity built in M&E among key staff, in particular relevant staff of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services (MoFLSS)

-Strengthened cooperation, coordination and communication among different stakeholder agencies regarding the M&E of the National Roma Integration Strategy, both at the level of the central government and at the province level.


Updated: 21/12/2022 / Hit: 4,561