Updated: 04/03/2022

Determination of Industrial Emissions Strategy of Türkiye in Accordance with Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (DIES Project)



Project title

Determination of Industrial Emissions Strategy of Türkiye in Accordance with Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (DIES Project)

Priority area

Environmental Management  for Sustainable Development / Environment and Climate Action


Ministry of Environment and Urbanization




36 months July 2020- July 2023

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives


The purpose of the project is to increase the technical and institutional capacity of the competent authorities for effective implementation of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) approach in Türkiye in line with the EU Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).




Achievements / expected outputs


Determination of current compliance status and needs for mineral industry, chemical industry and other sectors within the framework of the IPPC approach.

Identifying the technology changes and the needs for investment in the selected sectors to make them fully compliant with the IPPC legislation and the certification system.

Sectoral gap analysis study for the pilot sectors in terms of Best Available Techniques (BAT)

Translation (and translation revision) of BAT reference and BAT Conclusion documents related to pilot sectors into Turkish. Preparation of a National Action Plan that includes the sectoral transition calendar as well as an analysis of needs and overall cost of implementing IED.


Updated: 04/03/2022 / Hit: 5,015