Updated: 22/03/2022

Supply of Equipment for Improvement of Gas Network Infrastructures



Project title

Supply of Equipment for Improvement of Gas Network Infrastructures

Priority area

Market integration and the development of energy infrastructure

Project manager

Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAŞ)

Partner institutions


Duration (month) + Start and End Dates

24 months

 December 7, 2018 -December 1, 2020

EU contribution (euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

Increasing the sustainability and reliability of the natural gas transmission network.


Ankara and various local stations

Achievements / expected outputs



Establishment and operation of a modular data center in the gas network system where data is collected from distribution points, also from compressor stations and pipeline valves

Acquisition and installation of new data center security products to add to the SCADA system

Establishment of steady state network simulation software, GIS data acquisition and network optimization capability

Obtaining real-time networking simulation software to enable it to operate online and offline

Procurement of a demand forecasting software compatible with the SCADA system to collect data simultaneously

Taking remote terminal units (RTU) and their backups. Increasing the sustainability and reliability of the natural gas transmission network

Updated: 22/03/2022 / Hit: 3,800