Updated: 07/07/2020

Financial Cooperation Coordination Board Meeting held via videoconference

Financial Cooperation Coordination Board meeting was held on 7 July 2020 via videoconference with the high-level participation from the relevant Ministries and Institutions under chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı being the National IPA Coordinator.

The meeting, as part of the overall coordination, monitoring and evaluation tasks, aimed at reaching decision with a view to efficient, timely and targeted utilisation of the EU funds. At the meeting, the participants were also updated on progress of works regarding the programming processes of the third period of the IPA III and the Union Programmes. On the other hand, implementation process of the IPA-II Period (2014-2020) was assessed with the participation of the relevant institutions.

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Updated: 07/07/2020 / Hit: 5,205