Updated: 18/03/2016

Civil Society Dialogue Meeting on “Türkiye’s EU Accession Process” held in Gaziantep

Ministry for EU Affairs organised a Civil Society Dialogue Meeting on “Türkiye’s EU Accession Process” on 16 March 2016 in Gaziantep with the participation of Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ambassador Volkan Bozkır. More than 2000 representatives of civil society organizations, local administrations, business world and universities attended the meeting.

The representatives of civil society organizations, who contribute significantly to Türkiye’s transformation in the EU accession process, had the opportunity to express their opinions and recommendations.

Participants were also informed about funding mechanisms for NGOs within the scope of Erasmus + Programme and EU Pre-Accession Assistance.

Ten Civil Society Dialogue Meetings have been held up to now in İstanbul, İzmir, Konya, Adana, Bursa, Antalya, Samsun, Eskişehir, Ankara and Kayseri within the understanding of “a strong civil society and a strong Türkiye.” Around 22.000 representatives from thousands of civil society organizations have participated in these meetings. 

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Updated: 18/03/2016 / Hit: 11,468