Updated: 05/06/2017


Please click here for press release of our Ministry on June 5, World Environment Day. The theme of the year 2017 is "World Environment Day".

For press release on World Water Day, please click. The theme for 2017 has been determined as “water and wastewater”.


A Turkish firm is among the winners of the  European Business Awards for the Environment 2016-2017 Programme.

The Second Meeting of the United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA) Committee on Environment has been held in Istanbul.


The Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) was Held in Selanik on 18 May 2016.


The Signature Ceremony of the Paris Agreement has been held in New York

For Press Release on World Water Day, please click here.

13th Meeting of Sub-Committee No.6 was Held in Brussels on 15-16 March 2016.

The Second Meeting of Türkiye-EU High Level Energy Dialogue was Held in Istanbul.

7th Energy Efficiency Forum and Fair will be organized in İstanbul at the WOW Convention Center on 14-16 January 2016. For further information please visit the official website www.evf.gov.tr


Paris Climate Agreement Has Been Adopted

Deadline for applications to European Business Awards for Environment 2016 Türkiye Programme has been extended

Climate Change Conference Begins Today with the Leaders Event in Paris (30 November-11 December 2015)

Türkiye officially submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contibution (INDC) to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framewok Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 30 September 2015. 

The European Business Awards for the Environment-Türkiye Programme 2016 Applications Has Been Started

German City of Essen wins 2017 European Green Capital Award.

The European Business Awards for the Environment Türkiye Programme Award Ceremony was held on 22 June 2015

World Environment Day: 5 June 2015

The 12th Meeting of Sub-Committee No.6 was Held in Ankara on 5-6 May 2015

Türkiye Signed Long-Term Agreement With The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)


The groundbreaking ceremony of the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) which is the most important part of the Southern Gas Corridor by transmitting the Caspian Sea natural gas to Europe through our country, was held in March 17, 2015 in Kars with the participation of our President, President of Azerbaijan, President of Georgia and Vice-President of the European Commission for Energy Union.

For  the First Time a Company from Türkiye is Among the Winners of “European Business Awards for Environment”.


In Accordance with the Montreal Protocol Customs and Enforcement Officers From Türkiye Have Been Awarded “Ozone Protection Medals”.

Updated: 05/06/2017 / Hit: 20,992