  Updated: 03/07/2019

Anthem of EU

The European Anthem (Ode to Joy) - adapted from the final movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony - was adopted by the Council of Europe in 1972 and has been used by the European Union since 1986.

The European Anthem (MP3 Format - 848 KB)

The European Anthem (Ode to Joy) - adapted from the final movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony - was adopted by the Council of Europe in 1972 and has been used by the European Union since 1986. Herbert von Karajan, one of the greatest conductors of this century, acceded to a request by the Council of Europe to write three instrumental arrangements for solo piano, wind and symphonic orchestras.

The musical unions of four member states founded the dynamic Orchestre d'Harmonie des Jeunes de l'Union Européenne in 1988 to promote new European works for wind orchestra. Some seventy of the most talented young wind players are selected each year to study and tour together throughout the European Union.

Updated: 03/07/2019 / Hit: 127,850