Updated: 28/03/2012

The Training Event of The Grant Beneficiaries Under Black-Sea Basin CBC Programme is Conducted With The Participation of Egemen Bağış

Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Mr. Egemen BAĞIŞ attended the project presentation and training event of the grant beneficiaries that were selected under the first call for proposals of the ENPI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme to which this Ministry is associated as the National Authority. The event took place on March 28, 2012 in the Ministry for EU Affairs’ İstanbul Office.

At his speech, Minister BAĞIŞ pointed out that since the Programme helps strengthening cooperation between non-governmental organizations and local authorities, ENPI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme is of great importance despite its limited budget. Furthermore, Minister BAĞIŞ stated that ongoing collaboration process will contribute to develop constructive dialogue and good relationship at the Black Sea Basin.

Within the framework of the day event Turkish beneficiaries made presentations related to the ongoing 9 projects. They also outlined the latest state of play in terms of implementation and difficulties encountered. In the second part, representatives of this Ministry and the CFCU provided information on especially procurement process, outstanding implementation issues and the measures against irregularities.

The event once again marked decisiveness of the Ministry and its continuous support to the nine projects implemented under the Programme that is another strong indication of Türkiye’s relentless longing for EU bid and firm will to develop good neighborly relations with the countries in the region.

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Updated: 28/03/2012 / Hit: 8,370