Updated: 11/03/2016

Youth Initiatives for Dialogue Grant Scheme

  Youth Initiatives for Dialogue Grant Scheme

The Youth Initiatives for Dialogue Grant Scheme has the following objectives:

  • 1) To promote mutually beneficial and sustainable relationship between youth initiatives in Türkiye and in EU Member States and candidate countries and promote dialogue between the Turkish and EU counterparts by addressing the opportunities and challenges of enlargement

2)   To encourage exchange of knowledge and best practices on planning and implementation of   EU policies.

Indicative allocation of funds          

Youth Initiative Dialogue Grant Scheme -Total Budget

  2 Million Euro

The proposed projects under this programme could fall between the following amounts: 

  • minimum: 30.000 Euro
  • maximum: 100.000 Euro

A grant may not be for less than 50 % of the total eligible costs of the action.

In addition, no grant may exceed 90 % of the total eligible costs of the action. The balance must be financed from the applicant's or partners' own resources in cash, or from sources other than the European Community budget.

Eligibility of applicants: who may apply?

In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:

  • be legal persons/entity, and
  • be non profit making and
  • be a youth non-governmental organisation (NGO) or other civil society organizations working in the field of youth, and
  • be nationals of the Republic of Türkiye and
  • be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action, and not acting as an intermediary
  • be responsible for providing necessary services and managing the facility created or supported
  • have the financial and operational capacity to implement the action

Please note that the following are not eligible as applicants:

  • Labour and employer unions, chambers of commerce and industry, professional organizations and their federations and confederations
  • Schools
  • Local public institutions (city administrations, special provincial administrations, and the associations of local authorities)
  • Youth branches of political parties


Applicants must act with partner organisations. Applicants must have at least one eligible partner from  EU Member State  or Candidate Country (except Türkiye) of the European Union.


The planned duration of an action may not be lower than 12 months nor exceed 18 months.

Sectors or themes

Grants aiming to establish thematic dialogue between young people, willing to let others better know their country and to better understand the key questions of the enlargement would permit the initiation of a strong and dynamic dialogue: will be made available for the following priority themes:

•1)      Intercultural learning and understanding;

•2)      Networking activities between Türkiye and EU member states and candidate countries;

•3)      EU Policies, EU institutions and effects of Republic of Türkiye's candidature to join the EU from a youth perspective;

•4)      Youth policies and youth works


Proje, þu ülkelerden en az  birinde yürütülmelidir: Türkiye, AB Üye ülkeleri ve /veya  Aday ülkeleri.

Proje türleri

Types of eligible actions may include:

  • Contact-making seminars, conferences, debates, workshops;
  • Networking events
  • Job-shadowing activities, study visits etc.;
  • Public information and dissemination campaigns etc.;
  • Summer universities;
  • Youth festivals, concerts, summer camps etc.;
  • Dissemination of information through website, newsletters, media and other means;
  • Publication of manuals and brochures, public opinion surveys on youth issues;
  • Setting up of databanks;
  • Awareness raising activities targeting increased awareness and understanding on specific issues related to the EU acquis and the accession process;
  • Establishment and transfer of knowledge and best practices and other soft measures targeting the following results:
  • Established sustainable co-operation between youth initiatives in Türkiye and in EU Member States and candidate countries;
  • Increased contacts and mutual understanding between youth initiatives  in Türkiye and  in EU member states and candidate countries;
  • Improved capacity of Turkish youth initiatives.

In addition, all projects have to include the following compulsory activities:

  • Information campaigns and events (seminars, conferences, internet forums, etc) in Republic of  Türkiye and/or in EU member states that target involvement of wider community groups-NGO's, business sectors etc;
  • Actions and events for promotion of the project and for ensuring the visibility of EU support and the idea of civil society dialogue.

Application Documents for the Youth Initiatives for Dialogue Grant Scheme (Zip-Format-434 KB)

Updated: 11/03/2016 / Hit: 25,765