Updated: 28/08/2023

Bulgaria – Türkiye Interreg VI-A IPA CBC Programme public consultations on the forthcoming call under Programme Priority 1 “Environmentally friendly cross-border region”

nterreg VI-A IPA Bulgaria – Türkiye Programme 2021-2027 publishes for public consultations a package with guidelines for applicants for SME’s  under Priority 1 “Environmentally friendly cross-border region”.

The purpose of the call is to identify project proposals that could contribute to promotion of energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to promotion of the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy.

  • Maximum admissible grant of financial assistance to a beneficiary – 200,000 euros
  • Aid intensity - 100 %
  • Eligible applicants – Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises registered and operating in the cross-border region in the manufacturing or service sector.

Eligible activities are:

  • Investments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption in the entire industry life cycle, also by replacing old equipment with new, more energy efficient;
  • Investments for energy efficiency of enterprise-owned building stock, where production processes take place;
  • Improving exchange of know-how, best practice and information in the area of energy efficiency.

Promotion of circular production processes through activities related to the purchase of the relevant technological equipment and development of new business models

Interested parties can submit their comments, supported by specific proposals for revision of commented texts of the documents, by September 20, 2023 to address: JShaskovo@mrrb.government.bg

The Guidelines for applicants’ pack is available HERE.

Updated: 28/08/2023 / Hit: 3,805