Updated: 12/01/2023

The Conference of Technical Assistance for Empowerment of the Role of Ombudsman in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights was held

 “International Ombudsman Conference” was held on 11-12 January 2023 in Ankara under the auspices of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. In his speech, President Erdoğan emphasized "human rights comes first among the issues on the agenda". The Conference was organized within the scope of the “Technical Assistance Project for Strengthening the Role of the Ombudsman Institution in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights” and implemented under Fundamental Rights Sub-Area 2015 Programming Period.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı delivered a speech at the session titled “Human Rights Issues in the 21st Century” and touched upon the human rights problems faced, including the issue of migration, which is directly related to human rights and emphasized the importance of working closely with the EU to overcome related problems.

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Updated: 12/01/2023 / Hit: 3,518