Updated: 28/12/2022

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı participated in “The Monitoring and Steering Committee of Erasmus+ and ESC”

The third meeting of the “The Monitoring and Steering Committee of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Programmes” under the co-chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs HE Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı was held at the Turkish National Agency on 27 December 2022.

In his speech at the meeting, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı stated that our country has been participating in the education and youth and sport programmes of the EU since 2003 and so far nearly 1 million participants, more than 600 thousand of whom are abroad, have participated in the projects in our country. Ambassador Kaymakcı also emphasized that Erasmus + and ESC Programmes contribute to the development of human capital in Türkiye.

Ambassador Kaymakcı stated that a great number of applications were received to the country based calls of the Programmes carried out by the National Agency, and a serious success was achieved in this area, however, he stated that they aim to achieve this success in multi-country strategic partnership projects and in Brussels-based calls, as well.

Ambassador Kaymakcı highlighted that the accessibility of EU sport funds for all branches of sports/athletes/coaches is one of our priorities. He pointed out that from a life learning perspective starting from pre-school education the aim of the Erasmus+ Programme is to make sport a lifestyle for all citizens.

The Monitoring and Steering Committee of Erasmus+ and ESC Programmes is a consultation platform established with the participation of the relevant Ministries and institutions for the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the Programmes in the fields of education, youth, sports, volunteering and solidarity, in order to ensure an effective implementation of the Erasmus+ and ESC in Türkiye.

During the meeting, İlker Astarcı, Director of the Turkish National Agency also gave general information to members of the Committee regarding the works of the Turkish National Agency. Subsequently, presentations were made by the officers of the Directorate for EU Affairs and the Turkish National Agency about monitoring activities, 2022 statistics, 2023 work plans, 2022 European Year of Youth, calls for proposals in sports, participation in central project calls under Erasmus+.

The Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Presidency of Strategy and Budget, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of National Education, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Directorate for EU Affairs, Vocational Qualifications Authority, Turkish Employment Agency and Higher Education Council representatives participated in the meeting as the members of the Erasmus+ Program and European Solidarity Corps Committee and shared their views on the implementation of these programmes.

For more information and calls for proposals:

Turkish National Agency: www.ua.gov.tr

European Commission


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Updated: 28/12/2022 / Hit: 1,783