Updated: 04/11/2022

Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme 2023-2024 Academic Year Clarifications and Corrigendum-I Documents Have Been Published

Clarifications Document consisting of questions received from potential applicants for the 2023-2024 academic year Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme together with their answers as well as Corrigendum-I have been published. These questions and clarifications are valid for the 2023-2024 academic year Announcement and the questions and clarifications of the previous academic years do not set precedent for the subject academic year.

Clarifications and Corrigendum-I constitute an essential part of the Announcement; for this reason, applicants must read the documents very carefully when applying to the scholarship.

Clarifications (English)

Corrigendum-I (English)

Clarifications (Turkish)

Corrigendum-I (Turkish)

Updated: 04/11/2022 / Hit: 6,155